Friday, 3 February 2017

Enjoy every season with Coffee from Beanstalk & Leaves - Review

Hi Friends !

First of all i would love to welcome you all to my lil space where i share my experiences,reviews, some tips and tricks and everything related to skincare and beauty but today's post is going to be different from my regular posts and is not related to beauty .

Today i am going to share my experience with Beanstalk & leaves .

 I think Coffee is something that can soothe and provide comfort all 365 days !

You might have heard a lot about coffee from coffee lovers.
And now let's hear something from a person who is not a coffee lover at all ! (Me).
I don't have coffee on a regular basis but i am definitely someone who needs a big mug of coffee while studying for my exams ! (hehe ! those sleepless nights i tell you ! - i think many of you would relate).

About the Brand
Beanstalk & leaves is a brand that offers you 3 exciting and aromatic flavors of filter coffee.

Every Flavor has a slightly different aroma !
Velvet dew has a very soothing aroma while that of shotgun is quite strong .

The 3 exciting flavours are -
Velvet Dew
Smooth Operator

1) Velvet Dew 
This blend is engineered to bring out the best in you and makes the world a better place to live in. Helps in putting your angry neighbours,girlfriends and your ex-girlfriend in a good mood.

My Experience
This coffee has a very pleasant aroma that i quite liked. This coffee is the mildest. Perfect for the one's who can't have strong coffee. It's the blend that i loved the most. It's a perfectly mild coffee that one can enjoy while sitting on bed reading books and watching the rain drops fall on the ground .

Rupees 355 for 250 gms
                                                                      Buy it online

2) Smooth Operator
A blend that instantly translates you into a smooth smokin killer type fellow which in turn makes you feel invincibly smooth.

 My Experience
 Coming to the name smooth operator,i thought that this blend is going to be the mildest of all !
 But to my surprise velvet dew is much milder than this one.
This is my second favorite blend  of coffee. Perfect for the one's who can't handle extremely strong or strong coffee and don't like very mild blends of coffee as well.

Rupees 295 for 250 gms
                                                                         Buy it online

3) Shotgun
Wakes you up with a bang only to make you the most efficient sentinel being who has achieved   100% efficiency.Basically what we are saying is that you get stuff done.

 My Experience
This one is the strongest variant out of the three . The aroma is just so powerful . Perfect for the one's who love strong coffee . This is the one for those sleepless nights that one experiences during exams .  
It's definitely going to help you stay awake and get you going when you have truck loads of syllabus/ work to finish :)

Rupees 335 for 250 gms                                                                                                               Buy it online

What i liked about these coffee variants
1) Travel Friendly Packaging
2) Zip Lock  (No need to transfer the contents into a jar )
3) 3 Different Variants (Everyone can choose a variant according to his/her preference).
4) High Quality
5)  Affordable
6)  Aroma

What i did'nt like ??
It's not instant coffee. Each blend needs to be brewed for around 3-4 minutes to get perfectly flavoured coffee

 Will i go ahead and buy these again?
 Yes !                                                                                    
 I would love to go ahead and buy the velvet dew one again as it suits my preference and taste.

                                                          This post is not sponsored.
                                    The post 100% genuine and is based on my experience.


  1. Nice review...will give it a try

  2. Even i thought that smooth operatOr would be the mildest one.��������
    such an honest review..����������

  3. Even i thought that smooth operatOr would be the mildest one.��������
    such an honest review..����������
